
All of the ducks of world comes from wild bird. Those wild bird wonder around our country once upon a time. They like other Asian wild birds wonder around water and forest of here. This wild birds are from mallard species. Incidentally, all hen of the world comes from red wild hen, which scientific name is garaus banbinda. Everyone knows that duck is an aquatic organism. Duck without water and pond without fish are same. No, its wrong. You can not imagine water without water, but duck can be raised without water. Thousands of ducks can be observed without water. And it will keep in house like chicken. Keep in mind that in this system the ducks will lays unfertilized egg. No baby ducks come from this egg. If you want fertilize egg, male ducks and water is essential. As ducks can raised easily without water. Ducks need water only for reproduction or mating.
Peculiarity of Ducks:
The ducks covered with oily feather so that water can't touch its body easily. It has a layer of fat under its skin which helps it not to get wet. For this reason if the ducks spend a couple of hours in water its body does not get wet. Another peculiarity of duck is its leg. Three fingers of its leg is covered with thin skin, which is called 'web'. It works as a paddle of boat. Finger ends in nail. Some species of ducks use this nail for defense. Lip of the ducks are red or orange colored and very strong. They can eat moss, insects, fish egg, hard snail etc. with this lip. They send all to the stomach which they found between their lip. It also used to defend to enemies. Hen lays egg all over the day. But ducks lays in night to 9 am. For this reason, farmers don't release them before 9 am. If you observe ducks very closely, you will find that they are very clever and intelligent. You can spent time easily by watching their activities.
Duck's Food:
Ducks eat almost all types of food they find. They can be feed like chicken. Some extra thing should added in ducks food. As some ducks lays more eggs than hen, so it is now keeping in a scientific way, and nutritious food should given according to scientist advice. For a formal farming it can be feed rich dust, household garbage and a plenty of snail. Keep in mind that, ducks eat a lot. So, they should feed well if you want proper egg and meat production.
Market of Egg and Meat of Ducks:
There is no anxiety about the market of ducks egg and meat. People all over the world likes ducks egg and meat from the ancient time. Ducks eggs and meat are most favorite than hen. Ducks eggs are likely big than hen. But ducks meat is less popular than its egg. However, there is no tension about the market of ducks eggs and meat.
Species of Ducks:
There are three types of ducks.
  • Famous for meat.
  • Famous for egg and
  • Famous for both meat and egg.
Famous for Meat:
There are many species of ducks famous for meat. Peking, Ayleshbari, Maskovi, Ruel Kagua and the Swiden ducks. Ducks famous for meat weights, male to female is 5 kg to 4 kg.
Famous for Egg:
Indian Runner is a specie famous for laying egg. There are three types of Indian runner. White, greyish and like pencil over the back.
Famous for Both Meat and Egg:
Khaki Campbell ducks are of this species. They comes from Indian Runner and Ruel Kagua. First one is famous for laying egg and the second is for meat. Its color is khaki or brown ash.
The main advantages of keeping ducks is its accommodation. It is not difficult like dairy or cattle housing. It can be keep in low, high, wet, dry and any other place. It likes watery and wet place to live. It can be raised using  a big basket of fruit, wood-speech or oil drum putting in a suitable place. Wherever it keep the door must have to be high. Because they enter house raising their head high. Other thing should keep in mind to maintain the follows of air in the house. It should well ventilated. 2-3 square feet of space is required per duck. You have to be sure about the safety of ducks. They should keep free from all enemies, especially from fox and dog. If you want to keep them like chicken in a concrete floor, you have to make a deep liter in it. It would be better if the liter depth between 5-6 inches. In this system the egg of ducks will not affect.
Breeding Process:
For reproduction of ducks water is a must. Without water they do not inspired in mating. One male duck is sufficient for mating 10 female ducks. High quality species ducks lays eggs at the age of five months. Each egg weights 50 to 60 grams. You can use hen to heat the egg instead of duck. It should not keep in water at the first week of birth. In water they can caught cold. It takes 28 days to come baby ducks from egg. During the heating time of egg it should be sprinkle with water occasionally, two or three times per week. Electronic or diesel incubator can be use to heat the egg. But many prefer hen than incubator to make the egg hate.
Storage of Egg:
Eggs can kept in various way from being rotten. It can be kept in refrigerator, mixing with lime water or pyraphine. Actinium glass water can use to store eggs.
Sex Determination:
It is not so difficult to determine the sex of ducks. Raise up the tail of the baby press on its ass, if there is a penis like thorn it will be male and if not it will definitely female. The easiest way to determine male is the feather of tail of male are curl up.
Selling Egg:
Before sending to market you have to wash out the dirt of eggs shell well. It should not wash with water. Eggs should clean with knife, soiled paper or towel. Eggs basket or carton is very popular for caring. Each cartoon contains at least 30 eggs. You can also use bamboo basket, wooden box and other thing to send eggs to market. A deep layer of hay or rice dust should make before using those methods.

However, to be success in duck farming you have to be more careful on taking care of ducks, food, accommodation, brooding and marketing. If all are well managed then you can make a handsome income from duck farming. You also have to be conscious about the disease of ducks.

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