Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Modern agriculture and farming

Poultry                                                        Fish
Housing                                                                         Carp Fish
Equipment                                                                     Cat Fish
Health & Disease                                                            Telapia
Food                                                                               Diseases of Fish
Marketing                                                                       Pond Management
Dairy                                                            Ducks
Equipment                                                                      Species
Housing                                                                          Suitable Breeds
Food Management                                                           Housing
Water Management                                                         Food & Health
Diseases                                                                          Diseases
Welcome to online farming guide. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The economy of our country is mostly depend of agriculture. A major part of our population are directly or indirectly involved with agriculture. Income source of our people are limited. So they raise, poultry, ducks, dairy, fish etc. to earn some extra income. So, in this site we have tried to show you some possible way of earning. Not only for Bangladesh but also about Indian agriculture and almost all Asian agricultural countries.
We have launched in the concept of modern agriculture. We don't like traditional agriculture. Modern agriculture has changed the total agricultural process. So modern agricultural revolution is a must. To be success we need the proper, correct and experimental information based on modern technology. Which can make our dream true fast. Farmers to our country are doing their farming by the knowledge and experience which they obtain from their relatives. Modern technology in agriculture sector did not make any progress. Many eligible and famous researchers in our country are constantly researching and getting good results. But the main issue is that their results are not being published well. In some cases, the results of the research are restricted to journals and publication. We want to share the achievement of our researchers to the mass people. There are many agricultural university in our country to improve our agricultural condition. Many types of agricultural journals available in every parts of the worlds. Modern meditation, ideas, technology in agriculture and seeds in the land, to ensure the maximum use of fertilizer, raising poultry, ducks, dairy, goats, fish and many more, we have tried our best to collect all about this in our site. Due to improve the socio-economic condition of our people we encourage land based farming as well as cattle, birds and the fish farming. Not only the well production, we have to be ensure about the market of our products.

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