In accordance with human civilization growth human started to keep wild birds for their own need. This household birds or poultry provides us with food and vitamins. The give us meat and egg as our regular food. Man earn money from their meet and eggs. In a word, it is very important in human food and economic condition. Among different types of household birds chickens, ducks, pigeon, koel, swan, turkey etc. are important. People are rearing them from a long time ago. But now it is time to raise them scientifically. There are many difficulties to raise the birds from home. Lack of investment, food problem, low knowledge about modern farming, low knowledge of animal health and diseases, transportation problem, lack of veterinarian service, diseases is the main constraints of domestic farming. Among them diseases of poultry is the main problem. So, it is very important to know more about the poultry health and diseases of poultry or poultry illness to the farmer. Poultry can be affected by different types of diseases. This diseases can reduces the production and causes death. Prevention of tropical diseases is more useful than curing the diseases.. So, the farmer should be conscious about the poultry care. The farmer should make modern farm management, cleanliness, health poultry and regular poultry vaccination. He should meet the poultry vet regularly. If a farmer want to make more profit from his poultry farm it is very important to keep the poultry healthy and free from diseases.
Different types of poultry diseases:
Diseases are great threat for poultry industry. There are many reasons for why the farmer lose money from their poultry farm, diseases is the main of them. So if the farm can not be free from diseases the existence of farm will finish and no return would make. Poultry suffers from many types of diseases, among them some are for virus, pathogenic microorganisms, malnutrition, problem in food consume, acidity, pesticides and some other diseases due to miss management. Generally, baby birds suffers more than the adult poultry. There are many types of poultry diseases. Such as.......
- Ranikhet (Newcastle Disease)
- Fowl pox
- Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro)
- Marek's disease
- Duck plague
- Cholera
- Pulorum
- Koraija
- Brooder pneumonia
- Mitotoxicosis
Besides that there are many diseases occurred for different types of bacteria and microorganisms. Prevention methods of this diseases through vaccination are described bellow.
- Newcastle Disease- BCRDV, RDV
- Fowl pox- Fowl pox vaccine
- Pigeon pox- Pigeon pox vaccine
- Gumboro- Nobilis gumboro D 78, V1 bursa G, Bur 706, Gumboro CT
- Marek's- HTV-126, Marexiue CA
- Duck plague- Duck plague vaccine and proper management or care.
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