Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Modern agriculture and farming

Poultry                                                        Fish
Housing                                                                         Carp Fish
Equipment                                                                     Cat Fish
Health & Disease                                                            Telapia
Food                                                                               Diseases of Fish
Marketing                                                                       Pond Management
Dairy                                                            Ducks
Equipment                                                                      Species
Housing                                                                          Suitable Breeds
Food Management                                                           Housing
Water Management                                                         Food & Health
Diseases                                                                          Diseases
Welcome to online farming guide. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The economy of our country is mostly depend of agriculture. A major part of our population are directly or indirectly involved with agriculture. Income source of our people are limited. So they raise, poultry, ducks, dairy, fish etc. to earn some extra income. So, in this site we have tried to show you some possible way of earning. Not only for Bangladesh but also about Indian agriculture and almost all Asian agricultural countries.
We have launched in the concept of modern agriculture. We don't like traditional agriculture. Modern agriculture has changed the total agricultural process. So modern agricultural revolution is a must. To be success we need the proper, correct and experimental information based on modern technology. Which can make our dream true fast. Farmers to our country are doing their farming by the knowledge and experience which they obtain from their relatives. Modern technology in agriculture sector did not make any progress. Many eligible and famous researchers in our country are constantly researching and getting good results. But the main issue is that their results are not being published well. In some cases, the results of the research are restricted to journals and publication. We want to share the achievement of our researchers to the mass people. There are many agricultural university in our country to improve our agricultural condition. Many types of agricultural journals available in every parts of the worlds. Modern meditation, ideas, technology in agriculture and seeds in the land, to ensure the maximum use of fertilizer, raising poultry, ducks, dairy, goats, fish and many more, we have tried our best to collect all about this in our site. Due to improve the socio-economic condition of our people we encourage land based farming as well as cattle, birds and the fish farming. Not only the well production, we have to be ensure about the market of our products.

Raising Peacock

From the additional time, people like eggs and birds meat to their list of food. People raise various species of birds for meat, eggs, and beauty. One can be financially benefited by raising birds. People want to keep birds to their control for food, hobbies and entertainment. Two leg animal containing feather is called bird. In other words, birds are the back boned animal who has the ability to fly and to control body temperature. Poultry is a type of bird which produce eggs, breeds in care of human and help financially. Peacock is also in poultry industry as well as ducks, hens, pigeon, turkey etc. Extensive research has been continued in the poultry science. Poultry industry is very profitable and attractive now. Researchers are continued country and abroad about birds which is known as ornithology. For this many birds can receive recognition as poultry.
Peacock in poultry industry:
The farms of ducks, layer, broiler are known to everyone. Many people think only hen is called poultry, but that is not true. We raise pigeon, ducks, swan, koyel as hobby in family, not only commercially. But peacock is a profitable poultry. It can be raised commercially in rural and urban areas which is profitable. Peacock farming can reduce unemployment, increase the ways of income. It will develop the socio-economic condition of our country.
Economic importance of Peacock:
The Indian and Burmese peacock was the most beautiful in Bangladesh. This two species is now extinct from our country. Peacock is very beautiful and its feather attract all people. The meat of peacock is very testy and healthy. As the meat of peacock can not be found in local market, so its price is high. Its meat has a high demand for unique taste. For this reason pigeon, hens, ducks and other poultry peacock is absolutely profitable. Feathers of peacock is favorite to all. People who have never seen the peacock, is also a fan of its feather. It has a great popularity in home and abroad. Due to high demand of its feather, many luxurious shop sell it. That not means, there are a lot of peacock in our country. Except the zoo it can not be seen usually. It can be heard that, in various section of Chittagong forest the Burmese peacock can rarely be seen. In the past peacock was common in Dhaka, Moymensing, and many more places of our country. We have a little amount of this  valuable birds, but India has a huge number of peacock. Peacock is the national bird of India and Indian Hindus revere peacock as the vehicle of Kartik. The climate of Bangladesh is suitable for raising peacock. Every people in town and village area can raise peacock.
Raising Peacock
Features of Peacock:
The body of peacock is bright green and the feather is blue. Head, neck, van and throat protector is little blue colored. The remaining part of the fin is reddish. Legs are reddish. Peahen has no pekhom but peacock has very attractive pekhom. There are many squire blob in the pekhom of peacock which is very attractive. The pekhom are very long and they are not tail. The peacock dance to attract peahen raising their pekhom, which is very impressive and mind blowing. The peacocks are always in a group. There are 1 peacock for 5-6 peahen. They move in the ground for a little time and most of the time they stay in the large tree. Grains, insects, snakes, small fish frogs, etc are their favorite food. They lays 3-5 eggs draining a small hole in the ground. The eggs are off white colored. The time to hatch is 27-30 days. Average life expectancy of peacock is 35 years. They become adult at the age of 3-4 years.
Domestic Raising:
If you want to raise peacock at home you have to feed them wheat, rice vegetables, seeds, etc. regularly. Papaya, melon and other fruits are their favorite food. According with fresh food you have to supply sufficient fresh water daily.
Essential for raising peacock:
It is everyone's responsibility to protect the beautiful bird of nature. Now, due to decrease of forest and vast change of ecological balance the number of peacock is decreasing with other animal. In this circumstances all necessary steps should be taken to keep them. Many forest of our country can be identified to keep peacock. For this reason we can gather experience from our neighbor country India.Govt. and non govt. steps should be taken for raising peacock. People should be trained to keep the peacock. We have to make the opportunities in Agricultural Universities, other universities, training opportunities and vocational institution to keeping, maintenance, marketing of peacock in our country. In poultry industry peacock has achieved much advantages in our country. So, every people should come forward to keep this beautiful bird.

Raising Pigeon

Pigeon is the most popular domestic bird in our country. Most people like the beauty of it. In the past pigeon were raised to exchange letter. It is heard that, many ancient King preferred pigeon for exchanging different types of message. Pigeon is the representative of Peach throughout the world. For this reason, in addition to any constructive work pigeon are released from the pigeon cages. There are many types of the pigeons. White pigeons, flying pigeons, racing pigeons, Pakistani pigeons, Indian fantail pigeons, tumbler pigeons, roller pigeons, pipa pigeons etc. The most important thing is that there is no extra expenses for raising pigeon. Pigeon can be managed easily. First you have to buy pigeon. Before buying pigeons you have to keep in mind some essential information. Baby pigeons grows very fast. You also have to be conscious about pigeon health and pigeon disease. Before start raising pigeon you have to have a little concept about pigeon breeding and food for  pigeons. Pigeon can simply be raised at the corner of the house, roof and some other small places. Even with the hanging basket in roof pigeon can be observed. For this reason, both in cities and villages pigeon can raised. The meat of the pigeon is very tasty, nutritious and restorative. It contains much protein than other bird meat. For this reason it is consumed to fulfill the demand of meat and protein. Many people found that raising pigeon commercially is a profitable business. There are many similarity between pigeons and doves. Doves and pigeons are likely looks same. Pigeon generally stay with in pair. Each pair contain a male and female pigeon. Pigeon can live up to 12-15 years. The reproduction of pigeon through their egg as long as they survive. After laying eggs both male and female pigeon heat the them up one by one. If one pair of pigeon is broken it is so difficult to rebuild their relation. To make a new pair one male and female should have to keep in a room for a few days. There are some advantages of keeping pigeon. Many advantages of raising pigeon are described bellow.
Raising Pigeon
  • Generally, a good pair of pigeon can make up to 12 pairs of egg, and almost all of these egg produce a baby pigeon. This baby pigeon can be sell and consumed within the next 4 weeks.
  • Pigeon can keep with other household birds.
  • It is very easy to observe.
  • Food cost is low.
  • Poultry food can served.
  • Short space is required to rear pigeon.
  • You can raise even in a hanging basket.
  • Cost is low in accommodation.
  • Most often pigeon find their food of their own.
  • It takes about 5-6 months to be adult and laying eggs.
  • Pigeon meat suitable for the patient.
  • It takes about 18 days to come baby pigeon from eggs.
In a word keeping pigeon is very profitable. Pigeon has the ability to prevent diseases more than other domestic birds. Like poultry pigeon can be raised commercially. It can reduce unemployment and make our national economy strong.

Khaki Campbell Duck

Khaki Campbell has bought the quite revolution in raising ducks. No one can think about that ducks can lays more eggs than hens. Business can made through ducks. Khaki Campbell has bought revolution to us. If the people of village get the proper opportunities to keep ducks then the economic condition of our village will improve. The main advantages of Khaki Campbell ducks egg is, there is no bound of consuming it. Almost all types of people like it throughout the world. For the reason of the advantages of Khaki Campbell our government eager for raising it. And government is providing the opportunities of micro loan system. Not only government but also non government organization has come forward for this purpose. As the Khaki Campbell ducks keeping is more easy than other poultry so, it may be a business. Khaki Campbell ducks lays 280-300 egg per year, while hens lays less than it. Ducks are suitable for business purposes and it lays eggs 2-3 year non stop while poultry lays only 1.5 year. Female Khaki Campbell duck start laying egg at the age of 17-18 weeks. But hen don't until they are 21 weeks. One more advantages is hen lays eggs all over the day and night but ducks lays eggs only in morning. It generally lays eggs within 9 am. So it's easy to manage ducks.
Khaki Campbell Duck
Caring the baby ducks:
Before bringing ducks to farm you have to make the room well where the baby ducks will stay. It should keep over the net of wire so that they meet less diseases. The net should 1.5 feet high from the ground, so that stool can be easily removed. The temperature for Khaki Campbell ducks should maintained strictly. For the first few days temperature should be 300 c - 320 c then it should be reduced at the rate of 2.80c daily as long as it reach 240 c. At the age of 20-25 it can removed to the floor. Make a deep litter before releasing it on the floor. 3 squire feet space per ducks is required. Water is a must for ducks as it can't survive without water. So the farmers should make a proper source of supplying water. A pond near the farm should dug. Water is also needed for mating. Ducks generally eat insects, fish, oyster, snail etc. If you want to provide food by your own it should be nutritious and proper amount of vitamins and minerals. It takes 130 g of food daily average. Farmer can make foods by his own because it reduce expenditure. The ratio of commodities per 100 percent of mix is, wheat- 30 percent, broken rice- 40 percent, black sesame- 10 percent, soybean- 10 percent, snail powder-10 percent. Vitamin A, B2, D3, E should 10 g per 100 kg of food mix. Corine Chloride should 50 g per 1000 kg. If any farmer can survive this types of food it can result in egg and meat production.
It is very easy to sell ducks and eggs to the market. Because almost all types of people like ducks and its egg. It can be sold in local market. Eggs should provide in basket and other thing.
Ducks generally affected less by diseases than other domestic birds. And it depend on the caring of farmer. If the farmer manage a healthy way and provide nutritious food, fresh water then the disease will less. The farmer should concern about two fatal disease of ducks such as duck plague and cholera. After all the farmer should take proper care in order to be success in farming.

Rearing Cow

It is very difficult to maintain a family by one person nowadays. So many people are thinking about to do something extra. But no opportunities is available, if  yes they can not decide what they should do. Rearing bull or oxen can be a great source of income for them. It mostly depend on cost of a cow or price of cow. To buy bull for rearing purpose you should keep in mind some essential thing . Such as
Rearing Cow
  • The bull must be more than one year of age.
  • For rearing purpose the suitable age of bull is between 12-15 month.
  • The skin of the bull must have to be lose and thin.
  • The cow which is low weight due to insufficient food can be buy in low price.
  • It should keep in mind that the pregnant cow should not provide hay mixed with nitrogen.
  • Selected bull have to make perfect by some treatment before giving nitrogen mixed hay. If the bull has any wound place it have to clean with savlon or detol so that no insects can harm the cow.
  • Treatment should give until properly cure.
  • After curing you have to ensure that there are no insects like lice, mosquito etc. 
  • The bull should washed out with water mixed with 2.5 tea spoon of nu sidle per 10 kg.
  • You have to be careful so that the water mix can't harm it's ear, eye and nose.
  • Wait for 20-25 minutes after applying the medicine to the cows.
  • After that its body should be clean well by shop and sufficient water.
  • After giving medicine wait for three days and then give it food mixed with nitrogen.
  • Nutritious food should given. We can make the food home. We can make a mixed food with broken rich, wheat, broken pulse etc. as well as other for mixed with nitrogen.
  • The process of nitrogen mixed food is 10 kg hay with 10 kg water and 500 g of nitrogen. It should be served in a plastic or concrete box. The bull should served 50-60 g of nitrogen daily.
  • You can find more cow info in your nearest livestock institution.
Green grass can served as much as possible. Fresh and clean water have served according to their demand. If the farmer maintain this rule and information then he can be success.

Crocodile Farming

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. According with crop farming keeping livestock is becoming mandatory. The cow, goat, buffalo and various species of other animal are rearing in our country. As a part of it crocodile farming is now becoming popular. As a commercial organization, garment industry was the exclusive possession, after that many industry, agricultural goods, fish and medical substance. As a continuity of this a new change will make the commercial crocodile farming. Multiple revenue can be made within a few year. The "Reptiles Farm Ltd." of Moymensing can be a good example of it. The world largest crocodile or world biggest crocodile can be found in Bangladesh. From now to few next year this small farm will export skin of crocodile about 150 million taka per year. This farm has an area of 15 acres. In December 2004 some crocodile imported from Malaysia. In this the farm get 3 baby crocodile from them. In 2007 it was 49. But now the number of it is 139. In this year it is expected more than 500. The baby of crocodile is very sensitive, arrogant and emotional. Only one person should feed them regularly. If the feeding person is suddenly changed, they will not eat and die. The should provide 20 percent food of their body weight. The first two weeks chicken, third week beef and fish in last week should feed.
Crocodile Farming
First time farming is very expensive, but suitable for our climate. The most important thing of crocodile is their mating. Female crocodile should not be disturbed during this time. A female crocodile lays up to 80 egg. They lays eggs generally in grass and muddy place. Temperature should maintained carefully. Skin of male crocodile is highly demanded. Male crocodile can make by making high temperature. The baby crocodile have to keep in small pond after their birth. They should kept separate according to their age. Crocodile generally mate in rainy season. After mating they lays egg within a week. It takes 80 days with a temperature of 30 c to make baby from egg. The sex of the baby crocodile depend on the temperature. If the temperature is 31-32 then the probability of male baby and less than 30 it will female. The crocodile should kept out of the reach of public. Generally the crocodile does not affected by any diseases. If the management is well then the crocodile can keep healthy whole year. Keep in mind that crocodiles should not harm by each other during feeding.
In 2009 the skin of crocodile was first exported from Bangladesh. The amount was low for first time but it will be about 120 million in the year of 2012. In western country the meat of crocodile are sold in 25 dollar. One squire feet of skin is sold in 12 dollar. Belt and ladies parts are made from the skin of crocodiles. Perfume made from its bone. Ornament from the teeth. Key ring made from the palm of feet. Meat of crocodile is very tasty and nutritious so it has a huge demand worldwide. Almost all place of our country is suitable for crocodile farming. But the southern part is very suitable for salt water crocodile. Crocodile of fresh water is also available for northern areas. Like other farming sector the possibility of disease is low in this sector. So if the crocodile can farming in a scientific way, it will be more profitable than other sector like poultry and garments. Millions of dollar can be earned from foreign country. So governmental and non-governmental steps should be taken to make this industry strong. It will increase our national and make our economy strong.

Fish Farming

Bangladesh is a land of river. There was a time when fish were huge in our country. As we called the nation of meal with fish. We have vast collection of different species hybrid rich but lack of hybrid fish. From the last 80 decade many natural fishing area are reduced for many reasons. As well current (one type of fishing net) net make this situation horrible. For using this net fish are reducing at a high rate. To keep our own species of fish many fish hatcheries has established so now we can know more information about fish.
Minnow Collection:
Many private hatchery in our country produce artificial minnow. There was a revolution in fish industry at the decade of 90. Currently this industry is going to be closed due to continued loss. A hatchery build with intellectual, property and labor are going down. So it is suggested by all to make more and more artificial minnow. Government low should be maintained. Government can collect different species of minnow and distribute them among the general farmer. Fish production hatchery should have to be registered. Not only the minnow production can make good result, it should have to advertise and sell very well. Many types of carp fish are imported from foreign country to our country. This fish produces a millions of minnow. Different species of carp fish should import to rich our collection.
Fish Food:
Most used equipment for fish food are khaila, rice dust, sutki powder, meat and bone. We can collect rice dust and sutki powder locally. And the rest thing we have to collect from market. It have to test whether this equipment are good or harmful for human health. High quality rice dust are available in our rice mill. When all things are collected then it should be mixed and served.
Pond Management:
Pond environment should maintained by bellow off the bottom soil, and dry in sun every year. Adequate water changing system should maintain to keep fish free from diseases and cultivate fish throughout the year. Many farmer use lime if there any problem and advise others to do that. This is not right. If the farmer use lime when the level of PH is OK it may further increase the PH level high. So fish farming result loss. 98% of our farmer don't know how much oxygen should in water, what is the suitable of ammonia level, and appropriate amount of minnow. They face loss due to apply untested medicine. So the farmer should have to be trained up. We have to solve all of their problems.

Artificial Insemination of Cattle

Artificial insemination of cattle is no doubt a development way for our country and nation as well as a modern activities. Artificial reproduction work should be done by experienced veterinary surgeon without any problem. Almost in all region Government appointed a veterinary surgeon for improvement of our livestock. Poor farmer and mass people get all of their solution about livestock from them. In addition, youth training centers operated by the Bangladesh Directorate of Youth Development also provide training in animal husbandry and its diseases or treatment. The government has an important role in artificial insemination.
Bull sperm used for artificial insemination techniques developed for use in healthy cows and the production of calf more than 200000 per year. In this sector Bangladesh Agriculture University has gained hundred percent success. If the technology used in a random all over the country then the Dairy industry will soon be able to reach our desired destination.
Artificial Insemination of Cattle
Generally, seed collected from bull using specified number of method putting them to cow is called artificial insemination. Seed collected from a bull can use for the reproduction of 60 to 80 cows. But in artificial insemination it can be used up to 5000 to 10000 cow. A bull can take part at about 700 to 900 delivery of calf. Through artificial reproduction infectious disease can be prevent and the cows are not hit by bull. Due to lack of seed collection, storage, transport or ignorance the fertility of cow can be damaged. If the artificial insemination are not managed efficiently then the provability of worse more than good. Related individual necessary lack of training, carelessness, bad diction are responsible for it. Nowadays due to lack of bull in village area artificial insemination is a must.
There are some good and bad aspect of artificial insemination. Pregnancy rate of artificial insemination is low than natural method ways, as well as it costs much. If seed of an infected bull used it make problem later. The impact fall on next generation. In addition many cow want to mate more than once. In an experiment it has seen that it takes 13 times in an average to a cow to be pregnant. Chemicals, dust, huge temperature can easily damage the seed. It can be damaged when it put in a pot mixed with chemicals. In many cases, when the seed fluid or reproductive organ is placed on the outside of the cow can not become pregnant. If the seeds are placed on before or after emissions reduces fertilization. So second seeds should put later 6 hours after first seeds putting. During putting seeds, if the cow affected by bacteria, the cow faces different types of problem. For example it faces bruselesis, viriosis, trichinosis and various hereditary diseases. So if any problem occurs advice from veterinary surgeon should taken. The government has an important role in to training, which will help the development of livestock. Whether the cow is pregnant, determining whether it is warm, fertile bull selection, determining the ability of cows pregnant, pregnant rate increase, to increase the production of milk, take regular care with veterinary surgeon and provide treatment by an experienced doctor. After all proper care should taken to be success in artificial insemination process.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Crocodile farming makes a great opportunities to the people to earn cash.


I Love Farming. Khaki campbell duck raising is also a great way to earn.


I Love Farming. Raising ducks with fish in the pond is a great way.


I Love Farming. Peacock is a beautiful bird of nature. It is very popular for its feather. It is very nice to look. Raising peacocks can be a great source of income.


I Love Farming. Poultry, ducks, dairy, goat, fish, pigeon I like most.


I Love Farming. Backyard poultry farming is very profitable.


I Love Farming. But not traditional way. I want to use modern agriculture and related technologies.


I Love Farming. Pigeon raising is very interesting. Personally I prefer white pigeons.


I Love Farming. Raising pigeon in your roof can be a source of entertainment. Flying pigeon is a great example of it.

Health and diseases

In accordance with human civilization growth human started to keep wild birds for their own need. This household birds or poultry provides us with food and vitamins. The give us meat and egg as our regular food. Man earn money from their meet and eggs. In a word, it is very important in human food and economic condition. Among different types of household birds chickens, ducks, pigeon, koel, swan, turkey etc. are important. People are rearing them from a long time ago. But now it is time to raise them scientifically. There are many difficulties to raise the birds from home. Lack of investment, food problem, low knowledge about modern farming, low knowledge of animal health and diseases, transportation problem, lack of veterinarian service, diseases is the main constraints of domestic farming. Among them diseases of poultry is the main problem. So, it is very important to know more about the poultry health and diseases of poultry or poultry illness to the farmer. Poultry can be affected by different types of diseases. This diseases can reduces the production and causes death. Prevention of tropical diseases is more useful than curing the diseases.. So, the farmer should be conscious about the poultry care. The farmer should make modern farm management, cleanliness, health poultry and regular poultry vaccination. He should meet the poultry vet regularly. If a farmer want to make more profit from his poultry farm it is very important to keep the poultry healthy and free from diseases.
Different types of poultry diseases:
Diseases are great threat for poultry industry. There are many reasons for why the farmer lose money from their poultry farm, diseases is the main of them. So if the farm can not be free from diseases the existence of farm will finish and no return would make. Poultry suffers from many types of diseases, among them some are for virus, pathogenic microorganisms,  malnutrition, problem in food consume, acidity, pesticides and some other diseases due to miss management. Generally, baby birds suffers more than the adult poultry. There are many types of poultry diseases. Such as.......
  • Ranikhet (Newcastle Disease)
  • Fowl pox
  • Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro)
  • Marek's disease
  • Duck plague
  • Cholera
  • Pulorum
  • Koraija
  • Brooder pneumonia
  • Mitotoxicosis

Besides that there are many diseases occurred for different types of bacteria and microorganisms. Prevention methods of this diseases through vaccination are described bellow.
  • Newcastle Disease- BCRDV, RDV
  • Fowl pox- Fowl pox vaccine
  • Pigeon pox- Pigeon pox vaccine
  • Gumboro- Nobilis gumboro D 78, V1 bursa G, Bur 706, Gumboro CT
  • Marek's- HTV-126, Marexiue CA
  • Duck plague- Duck plague vaccine and proper management or care.



I Love Farming.  Farmer should conscious more about bird flue.


I Love Farming. Raising ducks in backyard can increase your family income.

How to build a poultry house

Housing is very important factor for poultry farming. Basically the poultry housing is the main process of keeping your birds well, grow fast and produce the maximum. Proper poultry house plans should make before starting or making a poultry chicken house. A suitable place should have to choose for chicken coop. There are many ways on how to build a poultry house. Proper and affordable poultry design should make fast to be successful in chicken farming. Before making chicken coop you have to keep in mind about all the facilities are available in your designed poultry chicken house. For successful poultry farming the chicken coop should have some necessary facilities like it should be well ventilated, air and sunlight will be available in the poultry house, it would be nice if the house is south faced, it must have to be free from harmful animals and birds. New chicken and the hen for sale must to be separated from each other. The hen for sale should keep in another house. The poultry house should make according to the methods keep in mind that every chicken needs 40 to 50 squire centimeters. Suppose you have decided to keep 1000 chickens then the poultry house area would be between 40000 to 50000 squire centimeters. Food and feeding equipment should keep in regular distance according to the chickens demands. Some essential information about chicken housing are described bellow for making a suitable and proper poultry chicken house.
  • The chicken house should have to be well ventilated.
  • Sufficient air and sunlight provides have to make available.
  • The poultry house should north to south faced.
  • The distance of one house to another would be better if it would 35 to 40 feet.
  • House should make clean before the baby chicken reach the poultry house.
  • The liter should have to be fresh and deep.
  • Wooden and rice toosh can be used for making liter.
  • Food and feeding equipment should be kept in regular distance according to the chickens demand.
  • The poultry house and all equipment must have to be free from virus and germs.
  • The chicken coop should make where it would free from wild animals.
  • House poultry design should free from loud sound.
  • Poultry house should make in quite place.
  • It would be better if it in open air area place.

However, to be successful in poultry farming the farmers should have to be aware in making the poultry house. All necessary equipments and facilities have to make available in the chicken coop.

Poultry equipment

There are many types of poultry equipment available which is necessary for well poultry farming.